How to house train your puppy?

It’s always a huge joy when a puppy joins the family. The little puppy-scented fur dumpling wants to play with everything and puts a smile on everyone’s face. This is a beautiful yet challenging period. There are many things a puppy needs to learn at this time: its name, home rules, a few simple commands, and the fact that she cannot pee in the middle of the living room.

Make learning fun

In order to teach your dog well and effectively, you first have to figure out what really motivates them. There are dogs that would do anything for a snack, while others become excited from the sight of a ball. If you’re lucky, yours loves both.

Ways to Appreciate Your Pet this Week

Pet appreciation week is the first full week in June. To celebrate, you can show them how much you appreciate them in a variety of ways. We’ve put together some ideas on how you could show your love to your loyal friend since all pets are valued members of the family.