It is the abilities of an assistance dog that matter, not its breed
When people think about assistance dogs, it is mostly guide dogs or possibly therapy dogs that come to their minds…
When people think about assistance dogs, it is mostly guide dogs or possibly therapy dogs that come to their minds…
Pet owners know that your furry friend can be a mischief especially when they get bored or want attention. Luckily, there are ways to encourage positive behavior…
I think it would be very useful for many of us to spend some time in a dog shelter for the purpose of personal development. Winter is especially a time when you shouldn’t miss out on this experience, preferably in a shelter where there a lot is needed, and where there’s a lack of both equipment and human help.
It is important to learn how to keep your pet safe during a fire. It’s best to prepare ourselves and our pets because emergencies can happen at any moment, so here are some ways you can keep your pet safe…
Gofree, the small mutt, makes the life of an 11-year-old gluten-sensitive little girl much easier by sniffing out food that is dangerous to her and also by providing emotional support in difficult moments.
It’s always a huge joy when a puppy joins the family. The little puppy-scented fur dumpling wants to play with everything and puts a smile on everyone’s face. This is a beautiful yet challenging period. There are many things a puppy needs to learn at this time: its name, home rules, a few simple commands, and the fact that she cannot pee in the middle of the living room.
In order to teach your dog well and effectively, you first have to figure out what really motivates them. There are dogs that would do anything for a snack, while others become excited from the sight of a ball. If you’re lucky, yours loves both.
June 26rd is international ‘Take Your Dog to Work Day’ when employees can be with their best bud throughout the day. It can be lots of fun and you’ll be in a good mood all day.
Who doesn’t want to have a strong bond with their puppy? It should be everyone’s goal. The love usually develops naturally but the bond takes time and patience. So we’re giving you some tips on how to have a stronger bond with your pup.
Thinking of spicing up the games you play with your dog? Just like us, dogs can get bored of doing the same thing over and over again that’s why we put together a list of interesting games that you and your dog will enjoy.