How to Make a Visit to the Vet a Positive Experience

How to Make a Visit to the Vet a Positive Experience

People see the doctor only in case there is a problem, thus, we are generally reluctant to make an appointment; be it a doctor or a veterinarian. A dog can easily be affected by your uneasiness, which can give you a hard time during the examination, or even in the waiting room. However, with a little practice you can improve the situation and your veterinarian will also be thankful to be able to examine a cooperative animal…

Abigail & K9 Quelle

The Fight of a 6 Year Old Police Officer

Abigail is a vibrant, full of life, witty and beautiful little six year old girl, who wants nothing more than to fight the “bad guys” inside of her, the cancer. Madison Sperry gave her own police dog, K9 Quelle to Abigail, to help her fight the disease. This touching story, which proves that we can draw a lot from the company of dogs in difficult times, has reached the JULIUS-K9® team as well.

Should I Have My Dog Neutered?

Should I Have My Dog Neutered?

There have been a number of issues raised on neutering dogs. The most relevant facts should be clarified and some false beliefs and misconceptions corrected. What follows is an attempt to be informative rather than scientific, an effort to provide some useful information in an easily digestible manner.