How to house train your puppy?

It’s always a huge joy when a puppy joins the family. The little puppy-scented fur dumpling wants to play with everything and puts a smile on everyone’s face. This is a beautiful yet challenging period. There are many things a puppy needs to learn at this time: its name, home rules, a few simple commands, and the fact that she cannot pee in the middle of the living room.

Make learning fun

In order to teach your dog well and effectively, you first have to figure out what really motivates them. There are dogs that would do anything for a snack, while others become excited from the sight of a ball. If you’re lucky, yours loves both.

IDC®Powair: The first choice

Hot summer days don’t just wear people down, but dogs too. However, Julius-K9®’s latest novelty has been designed exactly for these kinds of days. Thanks to its special material, the IDC® Powair  ventilates extremely well, what’s more, it’s lightweight and can also be used as a cooling harness when water is poured over it.