Maybe I’ve already told you that I’m a therapy dog, and sometimes I appear here and there with Mum. People love me and I actually love them too. I have pretty big eyes, and for some reason they find this cute, I often see them staring. Since there are now many shopping centres where they let us in, I often go with Mum. She puts a harness on me because it’s mandatory to be on a leash there. It’s very funny, because even if we didn’t stand out enough to begin with, the harness has a hook and loop fastened patch that says “Movie Star”.

I also like the IDC® Powerharness because it doesn’t squeeze my chest, and if anything happens, Mum can take full control with the handle on it, she can even lift me up a bit. The point being, it comes in handy in this kind of environment too because it is much easier to control your dog: you can basically help them move in any direction. Shopping is quite enjoyable in this way, because I get a lot of attention and compliments from Mum and others, and I know that there won’t be any problems. Actually there’s just one “problem” with the harness: people can only stroke a small surface of me. 😉

Anita Tornóczky