In addition to their unique appearance, flat-faced (so called Brachycephalic) dog breeds, such as the French Bulldog or Pug, are warm-hearted, loyal and affectionate companions in everyday life. With their special personalities they can give us, the owners, lots of cheerful moments. But as much love as they give, these goofy little guys also require a lot of care and attention.

As summer approaches, we need to be prepared for heatwaves to put some stress on our flat-faced dogs. Dogs partly cool themselves in the heat by panting, but their short noses make it harder for such dogs to breathe. Because of this, they are more sensitive to heat and require more attention during the summer months. Therefore, let’s take shorter walks with our loyal companion, for which the IDC®Powair dog harness is the perfect accessory. Thanks to its special material, this harness is well ventilated and, when watered, is also suitable for cooling the dog. Your four-legged friend can easily hop in the Powair harness, then a quick click and the walk can begin!
Also, on summer walks, don’t forget that your pet doesn’t wear shoes so they can easily burn their paws. So avoid the heated sidewalks in the city and the hot sand on beaches.