Julius-K9 has always loved challenges when it comes to development. A new task: how to render the Powerharness, the world’s most well-known service dog harness, usable for a young girl born without arms? Bori Ivicsics had to learn relatively soon how to use her legs and toes as if those were her hands.

The harness design allows Bori to lock and unlock the buckles and bags, as well as to fix the leash placed around her waist. The Julius-K9 developer team is wholeheartedly backing the project.
In addition, Júlia Ernyey-Balogh and Rita Matányi, the trainers of the dog and also Evelin Ignácz, a dog owner likewise living with disabilities, participate in the product development. This has revealed that for people with physical disabilities, the presence of a dog can be a huge help in everyday life, and that the cooperation of dog harness manufacturers and trainers is crucial.