Julius-K9’s 2025 innovation, Power&More, is perhaps the most eye-catching dog harness design in recent years. The clean saddle section on the dog’s back allows for a large surface area to display graphic elements and colours. The Julius-K9 saddle has been a success in the dog harness market, due to the fact, that it allows the leash and carabiner to remain away from the dog’s body during use. This is due to the saddle’s ability to cushion the dog’s spine. Moving parts, such as a carabiner, come into contact with the dog’s spinal cord countless times during walking on a lead and the cushioning function of the saddle section of the harness is the perfect solution to this problem.

Today, there can be no new Julius-K9 dog harness without product innovation in its use. Wearing the Power&More dog harness is so comfortable for your dog that it’s almost unnoticeable. The adaptive leash hoop moves freely between the two sides of the saddle of the Power&More dog harness, depending on which side our leashed dog is walking or running. All the while, the load capacity of the harness is up to the standard you’ve come to expect from Powerharnesses.